
CPP Priority Posts

Monday, May 3, 2021

MCA Exams on Wednesday


Reminder, State MCA Science (Grade 9), Reading (Grade 10), and Math (Grade 11) exams are scheduled for this Wednesday. Students should remember to bring their Chromebook to school in order to take the test on it; personal (but not wireless) headphones may also be used for the Math and Science tests. A student taking the math test may also bring a calculator, though there is also a calculator embedded in the testing program. Room assignments for testing will be posted by the main entrance and the forum. Phones will need to be turned off and stowed away during testing.  Also remember that regular classes start with first hour at 10:30 AM on Wednesday, the special testing period ends at 10:25. Distance learning students will be excused during first hour if time is needed for travel between school and home. Students who finish testing early will have the opportunity to complete their Panorama Survey, catch up on homework, and read. 

For students who are opting out of testing, please note that the posted rosters will not reflect all opt out requests made since Sunday, and, again, note that regular classes will start at 10:30 AM.
Seniors do not need to report until first period begins at 10:30 AM.