
CPP Priority Posts

Friday, June 4, 2021

Important information for Century seniors and parents


You’ve almost made it!  Congratulations on all the hard work you’ve accomplished!  As you prepare to wrap up your high school career, here is some important information regarding turning in materials, expectations for completing classes, and graduation:

All Seniors, both in-person and DL, if your work is completed today (May 28th) you may turn in your chromebook, chromebook cord in the main office, and take books to the library. 

Seniors, If you still have some work to complete, continue to work on assignments and communicate with counselors, teachers and administration until your grade(s) are a P or better. You have time to complete work up until June 4th. Confirmation of completion of credits will be from Mr. Verdoorn. Chromebooks, chromebook cord can be delivered to the main office when work is completed .Books can be delivered to the library. 

Important Graduation Information!!! 

If you have not yet picked up your cap and gown: They are available in the Main Office from 7:00-3:00 any day through June 4.

Honor Cords: If you don’t already have them you will be able to pick them up when you come for your graduation ceremony. 

Chromebooks and cords: We will have a place to deliver your devices on graduation day. Both Chromebooks and cords need to have your name on them so we know who has returned them.  

Saturday, June 5, Graduation Day -- What to Do: 

There will NOT be a rehearsal for graduation.   

Seniors arrive one-half hour before your ceremony. Come in through door 1 and find your seat in the cafeteria. Once we have everyone present you will be escorted into the gym by Mr. Verdoorn and Mrs. Schoenbeck.  

Graduates may not decorate their caps.  If you decorate your graduation cap in any way, you will receive a different one before you will be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony. 

Remember, graduation is a dignified ceremony and we encourage all of you to dress accordingly. Also, to avoid any possibility of tripping we do not want to have anyone wearing flip flops during the ceremony.         

Masks:  The Minnesota Department of Education has updated its guidance on graduation ceremonies and masks will not be required for graduation.  You may choose to wear a mask that will be provided to you by a staff member. 

You will be escorted to the stage one row at a time. When your name is read by Ms. Murphy, you’ll walk up the steps and across the stage to receive your diploma from Ms. Denzer and Mr. Kuisle. Your picture will be taken as you get your diploma. As you return to your seat, you’ll pass by the CHS backdrop and your picture will be taken again. A photographer from HR Imaging, our official photographer, will take your picture.  At the end of the graduation ceremony you’ll be escorted to the front door and outside where you will be able to join your guests in the front of the building.  


Please arrive 20 minutes before your ceremony time. Parents and guests will enter through door 27 (by the Volleyball Center). You will be checked in at door 27 and a staff member will tell you where you’ll be sitting with your 6 guests. Parents and guests will be sitting in the bleachers. At the end of the ceremony you’ll be exiting through door 27 and join your graduate outside in front of the building.We are asking you to exit the gym right away so our maintenance staff can begin cleaning for the next ceremony.         

If there are questions please call 328-5105. 

Thank you, 

Nancy Denzer

Interim Principal

Century High School