
CPP Priority Posts

Friday, September 11, 2020

Message from Principal Fogarty, September 11, 2020


Dear Century Panther Families,

I hope this message finds you and yours doing well. We are starting to hit our stride with Distance Learning! We are learning each day about new wrinkles and new challenges that face all of us. We are also learning some helpful tips and tricks that teachers are continuing to share with each other to improve the experience for our students.

Here are some items that will help all:


Students are expected to attend each of their classes, every day. If you are absent, you will be expected to call the Attendance Office at 328-5110 to report your absence.

Student Support

Our Student Outreach Team will begin partnering with teachers, students, and families as we start identifying students that are struggling. This is a common practice during face-to-face school. The Student Outreach Team is comprised of school counselors, equity specialist, resiliency coach, success coaches, and our social worker.

Students in the Building

A critical component to our success with Distance Learning is the “Plus Supports” aspect of our program. Through the efforts of Century staff in collaboration with Century families, we will work to bring students on campus for supports/interventions based on individual student need or for completing projects in some classes (examples: Sports Biology, Graphic Design, and Woodworking). For most scenarios, the limit will be five students at a time per visit, per teacher. We may go up to fifteen people in a given space based on the square footage of the space and the nature of the project. Students will be expected to self-check for symptoms and not be allowed on campus if they have any Covid-related symptoms. While on campus, students will need to wear a mask and adhere to social distancing guidelines. If transportation is a need, we will work to assist.


If you are running into concerns with your technology, please call 328-5101 and we will be responsive to your needs. We have currently given out all Chromebooks and hundreds of iPads.

School Materials

We are still handing out school materials (course specific items) at the main entrance of the building. If you are still in need, please come to the main entrance between 7:00am-3:00pm.

Should you have any question or concerns, please email me directly at or 328-5104.

Go Panthers!

Chris Fogarty